A Sending troops ruled out U . S . to maintain aid to El Salvador
Republican m ayo ra l hope fu l B ernard Epton looks on as M ic hael Lavelle, left, o f the Chicago board o f e lections com m ission, reads o f f a s lip o f pape r M onday a t Chicago’s C ity H a ll d u rin g a lo tte ry f o r b a llo t p o s itio n s in the upcom ing genera l election. Lavelle drew p o s it io n 10 f o r Epton w h ich was Jane Byrne ’s p o s i t io n in the m ayo ra l p rim aries . E p to n ’s opponent in the A p r i l 12 election is D em ocrat H a ro ld W ashington. (AP Photo) WASHINGTON (A P ) President Reagan to ld congressional leaders yesterday he is determ ined to provide El Salvador’s army w ith the tra in ing — possibly some on U.S. soil — and firepow er to repel le ftis t in surgents, but “ We w ill never Americanize this con flic t.” Reagan fla tly ruled out sending combat troops in to El Salvador, and prom ised that no advisers w ou ld en ter battle w ith Salvadoran units. He stressed, though, that “ i f El Salvador falls, no coun try in Central America w i l l be safe.” A day after American Roman Cath o lic leaders called fo r the ad m in istra tion to press fo r peace talks in the c iv il war, Reagan declared “ I w il l not support elgotiations that short c ircu it the dem ocratic process and carve up power behind people’s backs.” However, the president indicated he cou ld support talks dw e lling on how riva l factions could participate in open elections. Reagan’s remarks to the congres sional leaders were quoted by spokesman Larry Speakes aboard A ir Force One after Reagan and his party departed fo r Central Florida fo r a half-day visit. At the State Department, spokes man John Hughes said it s “ conceivable” Salvadoran officials m ight meet opposition leaders, and the departm ent said in a statement that the United States m ight help in arranging such meetings. Hughes said the adm inistration has “ shied away from the term dialogue in term s o f pow er sharing,” but he added the Salvadoran govern ment has made clear its desire for dem ocratic elections and fo r discus sions on “ amnesty, security issues, campaigning that w ou ld provide an op po rtun ity fo r fu ll and safe par tic ipa tion by all parties. ” “ The United States welcomes those assurances,” said. “ We support a dialogue on how to partic ipate in the elections and the evolv ing dem ocratic institu tions.” Sen. Charles Percy, R 111., said after the m eeting at the W hite House that the adm inistration is considering bring ing Salvadoran troops to Fort Bragg, N.C., fo r training. Percy is chairman o f the Foreign Relations Committee. Sen. Henry “ Scoop” Jackson, DWash., said no decision was an nounced at the session concerning the possib ility o f sending more U.S. advisers to the Central American na tion. But “ We need more than we have there no” Jackson said. “ The tra in ing is not adequate. I th ink that is a unanimous judgm ent.”
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